Gorivana Ageza, Aquarini Priyatna, R. M. Mulyadi

Di kota Bandung, hampir semua mal memiliki bioskop, dan sebaliknya, tidak ada bioskop di luar mal. Artikel ini akan memaparkan konsekuensi dari keberadaan bioskop di mal. Artikel ini disusun berdasarkan observasi lapangan dan studi pustaka, yang kemudian ditafsirkan secara hermeneutika dengan pendekatan teori kritis. Observasi lapangan dilakukan di dua bioskop terbesar di Kota Bandung yakni CGV Cinemas mal Paris van Java dan Ciwalk XXI mal Cihampelas Walk. Fenomena bioskop di mal menunjukkan bahwa kehidupan urban menyebabkan komodifikasi ruang dan pengalaman. Berbelanja di mal dan menonton film di bioskop mal mengarahkan warga urban untuk melakukan konsumsi, serta memaksimalkan keuntungan yang didapat oleh mal dan bioskop.

In Bandung city, virtually all shopping malls list movie theaters among their venue. Conversely, there is no movie theater located out of shopping mall. This article explains consequences of movie theater in shopping malls. This article is written based on field observation and literature study, which then was interpreted hermeneutically, using critical theory approach. Field observations were conducted at two biggest movie theaters in Bandung’s shopping malls, which are CGV Cinemas in Paris van Java Mall and Ciwalk XXI in Cihampelas Walk Mall. This phenomenon indicates that urban life causes commodification on space and experience. Both the act of shopping and watching movies in shopping malls lead urban people to a consumptive lifestyle while maximizing the revenues of both shopping malls and movie theaters.

mal, bioskop, ruang, pengalaman, penonton



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