Sistem Gotong Royong Pada Masyarakat Baduy Di Desa Kanekes Provinsi Banten

By Ria Andayani Somantri

The Mutual Cooperation System in Baduy Communities in Kanekes Village, Banten Province is a description of mutual cooperation activities that live in the Baduy community in Banten. This activity is reflected in the tradition of connection, namely the habit of the Baduy people sending or donating something to people who are holding a celebration or party with a reciprocal system (reciprocity); liliuran tradition, namely Baduy community habits that more leads to social gathering to complete an activity or work; dugdug rempug tradition, namely mutual cooperation activities based on the desire for spontaneity to help and help parties who need their help and assistance; and the tradition of waiting for overtime, namely the activity of a group of Baduy who jointly carry out activities to maintain 'village' overtime from various possibilities that would endanger the security of the village and its contents. Connection traditions, lilies, dugdug rempug, and waiting for overtime still survive until now, because they are considered capable of overcoming a number of problems, which essentially require a collaboration between the same Baduy community.

This research aims to describe some Baduy traditions that still exist today, which called nyambungan (giving donation to someone who has celebration), liliuran (collecting human resources to build something), dugdug rempug (spontaneous act to help others), and tunggu lembur (guarding their village from unexpected danger). They are all based on gotong-royong (working together to help each other). Theses traditions are preserved because they are considered solutions for many of their social problems.

Keywords: gotong-royong, tradition, togetherness, traditions.

Patanjala published in Vol. 4, No. 1, March 2012

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